Grow in Christ

Pastor’s Message

Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church! I am Pastor Josh Obermann, and it is my joy to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join our community of believers as we gather to worship and celebrate the work of God in our lives.

At Calvary, we center our lives and our worship on Jesus Christ, who is the cornerstone of our faith and the source of our hope. It is through His life, death, and resurrection that we find forgiveness, redemption, and new life. Our worship services are a sacred time where we come together to honor and glorify Christ, to be nourished by His Word, and to be renewed by His Spirit.

As followers of Christ, we are called to live out His love and grace in our daily lives, to serve others with compassion, and to share the good news of salvation with all who will listen. We believe that every person is a beloved child of God, created in His image and called to be a part of His kingdom.
I invite you to explore our website and discover the many opportunities for worship, fellowship, and service that we offer. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, community, or a deeper connection with God, you will find a place to belong at Calvary.

Thank you for considering joining us in worship and fellowship. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

In His love,
Pastor Josh Obermann

Small Groups

At Calvary Lutheran Church, we believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting one another on our faith journeys. In 2024, we launched our small group ministry—Barnabas Groups!

Barnabas Groups are not just another educational or fellowship opportunity. Instead, they are specifically designed to uplift, encourage, and pray for one another as we navigate life’s ups and downs together. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their joys, struggles, and prayers while growing deeper in their faith and relationships with one another.

New groups start three times a year, with sign-ups in January, May, and September. We offer a variety of group times and locations to meet the needs of individuals, ensuring that everyone can find a group that fits their schedule and preferences. Each group typically consists of about 8 participants, allowing for meaningful connections and intimate sharing. Groups are open to those who would like to join with their friends, or those who are looking to meet new people and connect with fellow believers.

If you’re looking for a place to belong, grow, and be supported in your faith journey, we invite you to join a Barnabas Group. Together, we’ll journey towards greater spiritual growth, deeper connections, and a stronger sense of community.

Please contact Pastor Josh with any questions or if you would like to join the next cycle of Barnabas Groups.

Sunday School

Explore, Learn, and Serve with Sunday School at Calvary Lutheran Church

Join us on Sunday mornings during the school year for Sunday School! From 9:45 to 10:45 AM (between services), children preschool age and up are invited to journey through the Bible, grow in faith, and participate in meaningful service projects.

In Sunday School, children delve into the stories of Scripture, learning valuable lessons and exploring the teachings of Jesus in an age-appropriate and interactive environment. Our goal is that children develop a deeper understanding of their faith and a closer relationship with God.

But Sunday School isn’t just about learning—it’s also about serving others and making a difference in the world. This year, our Sunday School program is partnering with World Vision Water Relief to provide clean water and sanitation to communities in Africa. Through our collection efforts, children have the opportunity to contribute to this life-changing cause and witness firsthand the impact of their generosity and compassion.

We’re excited to resume Sunday School in August 2024 and look forward to welcoming children back for another year of learning, growing, and serving together. Join us as we explore the wonders of God’s love, deepen our faith, and make a positive difference in the world!

Youth and Family

At Calvary Lutheran Church, we believe that faith development begins within the family. That’s why our Youth and Family Ministry is dedicated to providing a supportive and nurturing environment where families can come together to fellowship, serve, and learn about Jesus.

We aim to empower families to deepen their faith and strengthen their relationships with God and one another.

Join us the third Friday of every month for Family Night. Time and activities vary throughout the year, so check our newsletter and announcements for what we have coming up! All are welcome to attend our Family Nights for time to engage with other members of the Calvary Community.

In addition to Family Night, we offer a variety of special activities throughout the year, including service projects, educational events and fun activities designed to engage families in meaningful ways and deepen their understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.

We invite you to join us as we journey together in faith, growing closer to God and to one another as we seek to live out the love of Christ in our families and in our community.

Calvary Lutheran Church and Calvary Early Learning Center

4725 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668

Sunday 8:30AM Traditional Service
(Join us live on BoxCast)

Sunday 11:00AM Praise and Worship

Monday 6:30PM Come as you are worship