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Who We Are

Calvary is a warm and welcoming congregation nestled in the heart of Murrysville. At Calvary, we are defined by our unwavering commitment to our faith in God’s Word and seeking to live out that faith in every aspect of our lives.

As a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, our theology is grounded in the grace of God, salvation through faith in Christ alone, and the importance of proclaiming the Gospel to all nations.

Calvary is more than just a church; we are a family. We come from different backgrounds and experiences, but we are united by our love for God and one another. Whether you’re a longtime believer or just exploring your faith, there’s a place for you here at Calvary.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to connect people to the love of Jesus. Jesus tells us ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) With these words, Jesus stressed the importance of being connected to him. Because apart from him, we can do nothing.

We are connected to Jesus in three ways; worship, fellowship, and evangelism/service. In worship, God connects to us by giving us His gifts. He forgives our sins, fills us with His spirit, and offers us His word and sacraments. He gives us all we need for the week ahead.

In fellowship, we are connected to each other. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we share God’s love and generosity with one another.

Pictures of the various fellowship events.

Through service and evangelism, we have the blessing of connecting our community to the love of God. Jesus said in scripture “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. At Calvary, we are dedicated to sharing the Good News with all people.

Our History

It all began in the fall of 1955 when Rev. J. Ralph Hess, Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Brushton, was calling on two of his members, Carl and Helen Pilz.  They mentioned that a “church should be built in the proximity of Murrysville.”  Pastor Hess told them to put a notice in the local newspaper about organizing a congregation here. As a result of this announcement and a subsequent survey, 18 persons attended a meeting on Nov. 20, 1955, in the Pilz home on Hobaugh Ave.  This group of people made a formal request for the establishment of a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation in Murrysville. Thus, the formation of a mission congregation started to take shape under the guidance of Pastor Schultz and Rev. William Griebel, who at the time was Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Irwin.

In 1956 Rev. Frederick Schoof was installed as the mission pastor of Calvary. He became the permanent pastor in 1957 and served until 1964. Then Pastor Ken Hoener served as pastor until his retirement in 1993. Pastor Ray Simmons was Calvary’s Interim Pastor from 1993 to 1995, after which Pastor Charles Minetree served as pastor for over ten years. During his pastorate Calvary adopted its mission statement of “Connecting People to the Love of Jesus”.

On September 10, 2006, David Weeks was installed as Calvary’s pastor, and he continued to be a blessing through his retirement on September 30, 2020 and as Calvary’s Interim Pastor until February 28, 2021.

Pastor Joshua Obermann was installed as Pastor for Calvary on March 14, 2021. He and his family moved to Pennsylvania from Saint Cloud, Florida and he is currently leading the congregation in its mission to connect people to the love of Jesus.

Calvary Lutheran Church offers many ways to connect with the love of Jesus, whether it is through traditional or contemporary worship, Christian education, or church and community ministries. We invite you to be a part of the journey to everlasting life and to know and experience the loving, saving grace of God.

Significant Events:

  • The present church sanctuary and basement were constructed in 1957.
  • In 1980 a pipe organ was installed in a newly constructed balcony within the sanctuary.
  • In 1986 the education wing and narthex connecting it to the sanctuary was constructed.
  • Calvary began its first kindergarten class in 1958, and it continued in operation for more than 20 years. In 1997 Calvary’s Early Learning Center was founded to serve children from age two through Kindergarten.  In 2007 Laura Hoff was called to be the School Administrator/Kindergarten teacher of the Early Learning Center.   
  • In 2019 Calvary purchased the old PNC Bank building across the street.  The building was renamed “Calvary Community Center.”  Many internal and external updates have been made over the years, with many expected uses for Calvary ministries and community activities.  

Calvary Lutheran Church offers many ways to connect with the love of Jesus, whether it is through traditional or contemporary worship, Christian education, or church and community ministries. We invite you to be a part of the journey to everlasting life and to know and experience the loving, saving grace of God.


What can I expect during worship at Calvary?

We offer two unique service styles for our services: Traditional worship is offered at 8:30 AM on Sunday mornings. Contemporary worship is offered at 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings at 6:30 PM on Monday nights. Services last about an hour and include music, biblical readings, prayer and a sermon. Holy Communion is offered at our traditional worship service on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month and at our contemporary services on the 2nd, 4th and 5th weeks each month.

Whether you’re a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we invite you to join us for worship at Calvary. Come as you are, and experience the beauty of worshiping together as a community of faith.

We are located at 4725 Old William Penn Hwy in Murrysville. We have parking available, including some handicap spaces at this address. We have additional parking directly across Old School House Road, at the old PNC Bank lot.

The Bible is God’s holy and infallible Word. It is the truth that leads God’s people to true salvation in Christ alone.

Jesus is God’s divine and eternal son. John 1:1-18 tells us that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh to dwell among us. That he was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified died and was buried. After three days, he rose from the dead. After 40 days, he ascended into heaven. He sits at the right hand of God the Father and will come again in glory to Judge both the living and the dead.

We believe that God saves us through the gift of baptism. Peter stood up and preached at Pentecost “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This problem is for you and your children.” (Acts 2:38-39) And Jesus’s last words to his apostles were “Go therefore and make disciples of all nation by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

It is in Baptism that God washes us in the blood of Jesus and unites us to Jesus’s death and resurrection. It is in baptism that He gives us a tangible gift where we can experience his forgiveness in a physical way.

As a part of God’s command for baptism, we believe in and encourage the baptism of infants, children and adults. If you are interested in becoming baptized at Calvary or interested in learning more, please contact Pastor Josh.

We believe that we are all sinners in need of salvation. We believe that Jesus is our savior. He died for our sins. Before his death he said “Take, eat, this is my body. Take, drink, this is my blood.” We believe that Jesus said and meant that the bread and wine that we eat and drink is his true body and true blood. His body and blood are hidden in, with, and under the bread and wine. He gives us this holy meal to forgive our sins and rescue us from death. Through this meal he strengthens us in faith and love. If you agree with these statements, we invite you to commune with us. If you have any questions about our communion practices prior to worship, please see one of our ushers.

At Calvary, we cherish the joyful presence of children in our worship services. We believe wholeheartedly in the words of Jesus when He said, “Let the little children come to me.” Therefore, we welcome families to worship together, knowing that children are an integral part of our faith community. Whether they’re coloring, wiggling, or singing along, every child is enveloped in the love and grace of God, nurturing their growing faith journey.

For families seeking a bit of extra support during the service, we provide children’s activity bags conveniently located in the Narthex.

We look forward to welcoming your family with open arms and sharing in the joy of worship together!

If you’ve been a member of a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregation before, transferring your membership to Calvary is a simple process. We’ll happily facilitate the transfer to welcome you into our community.

For those who are new to the LCMS or are considering joining a church for the first time, we offer new member classes twice a year, in the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons. These classes, consisting of four sessions lasting an hour and a half each, provide a comprehensive exploration of the Christian faith, as well as insights into specific Lutheran beliefs and practices.

To learn more about joining our church family and participating in our new member classes, please reach out to Pastor Josh. He’ll be happyto provide you with all the details and guide you through the process.

Not at all. All people are welcome to come and worship with us.


My kids have both been students of Calvary this school year, one in the kindergarten class and one in the 4’s class, and I am very happy with the experience they are both having.

The thing I appreciate most about Calvary is the personal attention that the kids receive due to the small class size.  The kids are not lost in a sea of students, and both have a trusting relationship with their teachers due to the amount of time and attention they are able to give them.  An additional benefit we see is the creativity and uniqueness of the crafts and art projects they are able to lead because of the smaller classes.  I’m often touched and surprised by the creations the kids bring home from school.

I was initially nervous about enrolling my daughter in the kindergarten class at Calvary, because we are in Franklin Regional School district, which is so well known for being an excellent school with a challenging curriculum.  Now that I’ve observed my daughter’s learning over the school year and see how she’s flourishing in her reading, math and social studies, I know I made the right choice for her.  I would argue that the quality of education she is receiving at Calvary equals or exceeds what she would have received in Franklin’s kindergarten program.  With half a year left to go, my daughter is reading simple books, understanding phonics, counting by 5 and 10’s, doing math in her head, and teaching me bible verses.

Last, but not least, Calvary is a Christian school.  I greatly value the spiritual and moral education the kids are both receiving in addition to the academic lessons. We love CELC!

Amy T.

I have put two children through Calvary Learning Center Kindergarten program.  The preparedness that my children have going into first grade has been phenomenal.

Their reading level is on point, as well as math and critical thinking skills. Mrs. Hoff is truly exceptional at her job. Her creative talents and nurturing ability shine through in her teaching role. The environment is Christ centered, joyful, clean, and safe. Another wonderful bonus is the hands on, one on one learning kindergartens receive. The small class size makes for an ideal learning environment. My children have been very happy at Calvary and so have I.

Nicole N.

Calvary Early Learning Center is a wonderful and nurturing pre-school, with a purposeful and age-appropriate curriculum.  I have two children enrolled in Calvary classes.  A daughter enrolled in the two year old program and a son enrolled in the three year old program.   Both of my children are thriving at Calvary and they are developing a deep love for school and learning.

The teacher of the two year old class, Miss Jess, is warm, caring and gentle.  She truly treats your child as her own.  I have observed her helping the youngest students feel comfortable, secure and at home in the classroom.

Miss Megan, the teacher of the three year old program radiates positive energy and patience with her students.  My son glows when he talks about Miss Megan and his friends in the three year old class!

Both Miss Jess and Miss Megan have excellent classroom management skills and are great at communicating with parents about their child’s academic and social development.

I am truly happy with the preschool programs, experience and environment at Calvary.  In my opinion, it is a top-notch pre-school program with fantastic teachers.  The entire Calvary community has been warm and welcoming from day one.  I highly recommend this school to anyone looking for a great pre-school program.

Noelle G.

My son John, started at CELC back in 2019 with the 2 year old preschool class.  He continued on with the 3 year old preschool, Pre-K class and finally with Kindergarten.  Throughout his time there, he has been well cared for in regards to his education and spiritual growth.  Not only this, but he has truly been loved by all of the teachers and staff within the school!  He is currently in 1st grade and is doing wonderfully in school!  I truly believe that this was in large part due to the love, care and education he received while at CELC.  I highly recommend CELC to anyone looking for a preschool setting for their children!!

Beth M.

Calvary Lutheran Church and Calvary Early Learning Center

4725 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668

Sunday 8:30AM Traditional Service
(Join us live on BoxCast)

Sunday 11:00AM Praise and Worship

Monday 6:30PM Come as you are worship